Monday, April 14, 2008

The Things You Do For Love

Hi, guys. I had a fabulous weekend and hope you did, too. There's nothing like getting a pedicure with your very best friend on a sunny Saturday afternoon! (Thanks, Mara!) Girl, our toes are officially ready for spring! (Although it doesn't feel like spring today. I'll have to ask Jeff to use his connections with the weather gods to bring us some warmer weather soon!)

So, I was thinking about all the crazy things we do for love. My big crazy thing was last night, when I wrote a (gulp) $830 check to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (of all places!) for our Federal FBI background check and federal fingerprinting fees. This is called an I-600A form, and it's basically a petition to the U.S. government allowing us to bring an orphan into the country. Man, that check was hard to write...but if it means bringing us one step closer to our kid, then bring it on.

People keep asking me why we were told we will "definitely" get a boy from Korea. My answer? I don't know! Stand by, folks. I'm going to ask Margie, our caseworker, why this is. You all got me curious, too, and this was something that Jeff and I simply forgot to ask her in our meeting. (There were so many other questions floating around in our heads!) I'm going to poke around online, too...

Talk soon, and huge hugs to all,

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