Thursday, March 12, 2009

Painted the Room

This is just a quick note to let you know that I painted the room on Sunday. Finally got motivated enough to slap that paint on the one wall. (I know: How lame am I, it takes me this long to paint one freaking wall?!) It looks awesome, though! Based on our crib set pattern, we selected an aquamarine-blue color above the chair rail and a rich brown color under the chair rail. I have to admit, I am pretty good with color when it comes to interior decorating, but this wall came out much, much better than even I had anticipated! I LOVE it! I am going to take a photo one of these days and post it here. If you go to and search on "bali" you'll see our room theme. It's no huge secret or anything. I've started registering, which has been fun. I've registered with Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby thus far. Although my sister in law yelled at me b/c I registered for four highchairs. I didn't want to forget which ones I liked, and I didn't have time to select just one. Now it turns out that my neighbor has a high chair for us (which I'm all about--hey, we'll take it!). Anyway, I'm rambling. Life is good. I'm getting impatient. Jeff doesn't seem to be: What's up with THAT?!? Talk to you all soon. Time to go teach my yoga class. I need it as much as they do, after this crazy work week! Hugs to all.